My biggest inspiration from Prince was his self confidence. He didn’t care what others thought about him or his style He was confident in his own skin, which is why he is so legendary. Besides, he knew how to wear a good pair of heels and had the best eyeliner and was just so damn Sexy & Beautiful.

I remember growing up listening to his music and seeing his personality & style shine, beeing inspired to be myself and to live my life for me and no one else. I love Prince because he was a genius in his craft and he loved Minnesota. He could have lived anywhere in the world, but he stayed here in his home Minneapolis. He never gave up on our state, people or the arts. He cherished home, which is why I love him.
I’m the host and co-organizer (with Patti Walsh) of The Purple Ones, a Prince-inspired fundraiser fashion show for KFAI Community Radio that brings communities together through the arts, now in its third year. Ten local fashion designers compete with their original designs inspired by a Prince song, juried by a panel of local fashion and media luminaries. Past panelists included former Fox 9 anchor Robyne Robinson, fashion designer Samantha Rei, Andrea Jenkins, CeCe McDonald, Toki Wright, DJ Mickey Breeze, Roxanne Anderson and LGBTQ Rights Activist/Speaker Zeam Porter.
I am doing this project because I love media and the arts, and I have a passion to see my community flourish and shine.

I am trans Latina woman living my dreams of working in radio/media. I am interested in pop culture. I am from Minneapolis, Minnesota.